An Open Letter for a Better Seed Legislation

23 Apr 2012

The European Commission (DG SANCO) is currently working on a review of the legislation on marketing of Seeds and Plant Propagating Material (S&PM).

This review is a unique opportunity to foster concrete improvements in the protection of biodiversity, increase the choices available to consumers and improve the situation of farmers and seed savers.

The current legal framework on S&PM has been criticized as contributing to a massive loss of varietal agro-biodiversity over the last few decades, and favoring high-yield-by-high-input agriculture. It has fostered the concentration process in the seed sector and has led to increasing dependence of farmers and other seed users on industrial seeds.

In an open letter, addressed to the Commission and EU Parliamentarians, organizations representing civil society are now demanding a firm improvement of EU legislation on seeds, in the interest of the environment, as well as the call by consumers and farmers for biodiversity in the fields and on tables.

The open letter has been written and signed by: Arche Noah, IFOAM EU, European Environmental Bureau EEB, Birdlife Europe, Euro Coop, ARC2020, APRODEV, GRAIN, Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity, European Coordination Via Campesina, European Professional Beekeepers Association.

Click to read the letter here in English, French and German, and if you would like to sign it, you can do so before May 2 by clicking here.

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