International Advocacy Topics
Slow Food is engaged in an array of advocacy topics, including animal farming & animal products consumption, biodiversity, climate change, corporate capture and rights to food.
We confront each topic with three goals in mind:
- To influence public institutions and private businesses to create policies and models that support fair and regenerative systems of production, distribution, marketing, consumption, and management of food loss.
- To inform, involve and mobilize individuals and communities to become advocates for the necessary transition to fair and sustainable policies.
- To forge alliances with organizations and movements which are fighting for similar goals.
Animal Farming & Animal Products Consumption
We are increasingly exposed to the brutal reality of factory farming and its flagrant disregard for animal welfare. With more than 31 billion animals suffering the conditions of factory farming, we can find no ethical justification for funding a food system propped up by profit-driven suffering. Animals should not pay the price of our food choices; beyond welfare, we owe animals respect.
Biodiversity is the backbone of resilient and sustainable ecosystems. We champion diversity in our food, ensuring a rich tapestry of flavors, cultures, and traditions. By preserving diverse food species and traditional means of production, we safeguard our heritage for future generations.
Climate Change
Food is both a cause and victim of climate change. But it also holds the key to securing a more sustainable future. By putting biodiversity front and center, and advocating for eco-friendly food production and consumption, we will reduce the environmental footprint of our global food systems and pave the way for our global vision of good, clean and fair food for all.
Corporate Capture
Corporate influence over our food systems has become the new normal, dictating political decision-making around the world. Prioritizing the interests of a few has wrought catastrophic consequences: driving climate, sending food prices soaring and worsening global hunger and malnutrition. But we are the multitude, and by mobilizing people to our cause, we will fight to make our voices heard.
Right to Food
Having regular access to sufficient, nutritionally adequate and culturally acceptable food is not an ideal, but a right: enshrined in law for every person on the planet. Yet at the dawn of this century, more than 854 million people were suffering from hunger, and many more rendered recipients of charity. Hunger is not an inevitability, but a symptom of our broken food system. Our advocacy initiatives are at the forefront of eradicating hunger for good.
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